Do What You Love!

Do what you love, listen to your heart and intuition, follow your bliss and by doing so SUCCESS will follow.Most of us live with this impression that we don’t really have control over what we do, over what happens to us, over our happiness and our unhappiness, and that we are victims, and of course, as victims, all we know how to do, is defend ourselves. Because we spend so much time in the defending mode, we forget who we really are, we forget that we do have a choice and that we do have the ability to shift our lives in the right direction.

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We are all unique in our own ways.These are unique talents and gifts we are born with.This means what I have no one else and what you have no one else has in the world.I find that it is difficult for most people to do what they love because they fear what the world will say or think of them.Yes the mind is very powerful!Go and enjoy yourself and find out what you like, find out what you love.After all, doing what you love is freedom!

Fact: You Can Do What You Love and Make a Decent Living at It

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